All partners agree on Operations Policy Manual
Today representatives of all MIRG-partners put their signature under the Operations Policy Manual. This manual, prepared by the EU (INTERREG IVA 2Seas) MIRG Project Group, provides the framework to support…
Practicing in Calais
The second team from Belgium has had its training session on the simulator in Calais. The twelve men are now familiar with the embarkation procedures and strategies that can be…
Watch the video of American Marine Firefighters
The 22nd Marine Firefighting Symposium was held in Hampton Roads, US in May 2013. A large scale exercise took place aboard a huge vessel moored with the "Ghost Fleet" in…
Here we are
The first training sessions were held in Calais in June. The MIRG teams from Zeeland, France, England and Belgium now know what they can expect when they're called to…
Next eMIRG: a visitor from Australia
The next issue of our news letter eMIRG will be sent out soon. You can already read the article about Michael Campbell on this website. Michael is an Australian fire…
Recent on board fires show need for MIRGs
MIRG-EU trains fire fighters to contain on board incidentes, securing a ship's safe trip to a port. That these teams will not be trained in vain show these recent on…
First training session new MIRG-teams
The first week of June the first new Belgian MIRG-team started its training. Place of handling: the simulator of the Calais fire service. The programme focused on the embarkation procedure.…
8 and 9 March 2016
Table Top Exercise France
25 May 2016
Command Post Exercise
11 and 12 October 2016
Full Scale Exercise
23 November 2016
MIRG-EX Conference
The Interreg IVA MIRG-EU project brought together fire fighter teams from Kent (UK), Pas de Calais (FR), Ghent, Antwerp and Beveren (BE) and Zeeland (NL). All partners set up their MIRG, developed standard operational procedures and acquired compatible equipment.
By doing a large scale exercise, the teams have demonstrated they are ready to operate at sea, to contain on-board incidents, that they can assist one another and take over operations when necessary.
In MIRG-EU the teams will take the next step: working according to the European Civil Protection mechanism.